If all languages are exceptional, let none be an exception in Europe.

Below you will find the campaign for your language.

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Reasons why Catalan
should be given official
status in the European Union:

For linguistic
To guarantee the linguistic rights of 10 million European citizens whose language, Catalan, is not currently recognised as an official language in the European Union. We are not demanding special treatment but linguistic equality.
For democratic
To correct the historical anomaly that means 10 million European citizens cannot use their language, Catalan, in the European Union. The Catalan language can be compared in use to Greek, Swedish, Bulgarian, Croatian or Danish. In fact, Catalan is one of the 15 most widely spoken official languages on the continent. However, it is still not considered official in the European Union.
For linguistic
To further strengthen the richness of Europe's linguistic diversity. The exclusion of Catalan from the list of official languages in Europe goes against the founding principles of the European Union itself. Europe cannot be understood without its diversity, including its linguistic and cultural diversity, which enriches it immensely.
To bring Europe
closer to its citizens
To bring the European Union closer to Catalan society, which is and historically has been pro-European, and to gradually increase proximity and adherence to the European project.
To respond to a
historic request
To respond to a long-standing demand of Catalan society and its institutions, which have been trying to make the Catalan language official in the European Union since the 1980s. This is a demand that goes beyond the current political context.
To reinforce the language
in the face of globalisation
To promote a language which, despite being spoken by 10 million citizens, faces the major challenge of avoiding being replaced by other official languages with more global influence, such as Spanish, as well as other challenges stemming from globalisation. That is why it is important for it to enjoy the recognition, protection, and support it deserves. Because we want all languages to be more alive than ever.
Because we are ready for Catalan
to become an official language in the institutions of the European Union
The Catalan language has the necessary structure to be conferred official status in the European Union. It is a perfectly standardised language, with fully developed normative and technological resources, as well as human and professional resources ready to take up the challenge. The Government of Catalonia is fully prepared and at the disposal of European institutions to carry out the necessary actions to make the official status effective as quickly as possible.